Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Healing & Suffering by Keith Warrington

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I found this book a breath of fresh air. I have repeatedly been disappointed, listening to those who have lost confidence in the ministry of healing, or else to those who have shot over “Crack-Pot Edge” into wild unbiblical claims and harmful pastoral practices. I have sympathy with both views, to experience both inspiration and to witness a miracle is a heady brew.

Seeking to live by faith during or when sharing in suffering can stretch us to the limit. At such times despair snaps at our heels. So welcome then this book, so balanced, so firmly rooted in both an experience of the miraculous and in a sound biblical theology.

Keith Warrington offers a comprehensive and user-friendly resource that maintains biblical integrity whilst engaging with the issues in a context of objective evaluation and sensitivity. He argues that whilst the New Testament encourages us to pray for healing, it does not always lead us to expect that all sickness and suffering will be removed. He remind believers that God is with them in the shadows of suffering as well as health and wholeness.

The final section on suffering is one of the best attempts to tackle the subject that I have read. I recommend this book.

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