Wednesday, October 25, 2017


The spirit of Absalom is actually similar to the spirit of Lucifer. Such personality will at first try to marginalize the leader and then subsequently seek to demonize the leader.

It's a usurping spirit that thrives upon hidden motives, hidden agendas, hidden alliances with hidden strategies. It's manipulative and full of deception.

The Absalom spirit works to usurp authority by spreading discontent among the people. Such person will use half-truths or divisive topics to sway the hearts of the people. It will try to reach its devious purpose by destroying the influence of the leader among as many followers as possible.

The Absalom spirit will claim that:

• The leader in authority is not to be trusted.

• The leadership who runs the organization is incompetent.

• “He knows of a better way solve the problems at hand.”

The person, who is infected with such spirit, seems to live with a deep frustration in his life and ministry. He does not submit to authority and finds ways to show that defiance. He does not respect anyone or any protocols.

He is his own authority and is constantly burning with an unquenchable inner dark fire.

He thinks that he deserves more recognition than his personal achievement would merit.

The ultimate end of the real Absalom was sad.

2 Samuel 18:9, 14
His head got caught in the Terebinth tree; so he was left hanging … Joab … took three spears in his hand and thrust them through Absalom’s heart.

Indeed, as the Bible has warned for ages that such people will fall - pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall.
Proverbs 16:18

Albert Kang

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