Sunday, March 29, 2020

A Christian Response To Covid-19 Pandemic

Rev Albert Kang speaking online

The Covid-19 virus or now scientifically referred to as SARS-CoV-2 is affecting millions around the globe. At the time of this writing, the news that came from the USA is not good at all – the number of people infected has surpassed that of China. In fact, on 11 March 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-19 to be a pandemic.

Grace and I have to observe the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented by the Malaysian government. After staying home for 12 days, we are feeling a little like caged animals. There are still two more weeks of MCO to obey. 

Despite how we are feeling, it is better to maintain the physical distance from all our brothers and sisters in the Church until this crisis is over. Physical distance does not mean that we no longer can socialize. 

We are glad to be able to connect through the internet and maintain our social interactions with each other. How should we as believers and disciples of Christ respond to this pandemic?

1. Time to Build Your Faith – The Lord is still in control of this world and its situation. We should never succumb to fear because “God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble.” (Psalm 46:1). In the Gospels, there are numerous records of the disciples being afraid and the response from our Lord Jesus was always for them to fear not. 

Today, amid this difficulty, we, the modern disciples of Christ, have to do the same – we are to “fear not”. Apply the law of displacement by displacing the feeling of anxiety with the powerful Word of God. 

As you read the Bible, the Holy Spirit will help you to comprehend the deeper meaning of the truth of God. When fear shows up, your faith that has been greatly enhanced by God’s Word, will hit it like an avalanche. Not even death will frighten you because the promise of God cannot be denied – when you have eternal life, what can anybody do to you?

2. Time to Pray – Paul the Apostle challenges us in Ephesians 6:18 to pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. 

The power of prayer lies in you confessing your sins to your loved ones who are now living together with you in the same residence. With a clear conscience, you will be able to pray with power and authority for one another and even receive the healing you need. 

The prayer of a righteous person has great power indeed. Begin to pray also for the people affected by this pandemic especially the patients to get well and medical personnel who have been working overtime to take care of the patients.

3. Time to Practice Physical Distancing – As many who have been to our Church, know that how the brothers and sisters in Faithline Church are very loving and really enjoy socializing after church services and cell meetings.  

However, in this time of crisis, you can continue to socialize with each other through the internet. For the last few weeks, we have been using a video-conferencing app to meet online. 

The Movement Control Order (MCO) cannot control our spirits and souls to engage with another person and the best part is that during our online worship, the Holy Spirit is in every home and saturating us with His presence. The Word of God continues to touch lives and many have gone on a soul-searching mission while having more time for themselves and their loved ones.

4. Time to Exercise Good Hygiene – I heard this idiom “Cleanliness is Godliness” even before I knew God. Now is the time to bring this idiom to work for everyone. The advice that is coming across loud and clear is for you to wash your hands regularly with soap and water. The scientists are thrilled by what this simple soap-and-water could do to the virus. It actually kills the virus. You can use alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are temporally not available. 

It’s a good practice to cover your nose and mouth with a disposable tissue and if you have to sneeze or cough, flex elbow when you do. Don’t touch your face, especially your eyes, nose, and mouth. If you have to go out, put on a mask, carry a small bottle of disinfectant, and be sure to stay at least one meter or three feet from anyone. Please remember that the infected person may look perfectly healthy and still be able to infect you. Be responsible and stay home and self-isolate from others, especially when you are not feeling well.

Finally, remember that you have been given this privilege to spend more time with God. Your days of busy-ness are being put on hold for a while. Learn to praise and worship God no matter how tough this time might be. 

Learn to be thankful to Him for the provision that He has given you. If you are the one preparing all the meals, thank the Lord for giving you the creativity and strength to churn out all these wonderful meals. 

If you are one eating, then thank God for this blessing and be sure to thank the one who is cooking. In all things, be patient and forgiving. Always be kind to one another. If you are upset, instead of verbalizing with harsh words, go to your prayer closet and talk to God. 

May the Lord bless you and prosper your soul as you spend time with Him.

Rev Albert Kang
Lead Pastor 
FaithLine International Ministries

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