When you pray for others in your Handing-over Prayers, you are recognizing in others, the image of
God. Your prayers will touch the lives of others through the hands of God. He takes what is hidden in their hearts and reveals it for confession and repentance. What once was unreachable, it is now available for divine healing.
When you become a person of prayer, you will continue to indirectly guide others away from their confusion and towards clarity - from darkness into His wonderful light.
As you learn to "hand-over" all these precious souls in your daily "Hand-over" Prayer to the Lord, you will be working closely with the Holy Spirit to lead these struggling souls from their self-centered pursuits to the enlightening Christ-centredness.
Because of your prayer, they will sense the love of God that seems to mysteriously surround them. And the peace that is beyond understanding, touching their innermost beings. They will seek for the source and the Holy Spirit will guide them to the source which is Christ and Christ alone.
Your prayer life is indeed an integral part of the Lord's Prayer that invokes "Thy kingdom comes, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven." Amen.
Albert Kang
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